(* this is a sample test quiz Pascal program *) (* date: March 23, 2006 *) program main( input, output ); var x,y: integer; var p,q: real; var a: array [ 1..10 ] of integer; var b: array [ 10..15 ] of real; function foo( i: integer; u: real; j: integer; v: real ) : integer; var k: integer; var w: real; procedure boo( r: real; s: integer ); begin (* boo *) a[s] := j end; (* boo *) begin (* foo *) boo( b[a[x+y]+i], foo( i,u,j,v )); foo := foo( a[y-y], b[20+x*x], a[x-y], q-p ) end; (* foo *) begin y := 5; for x := 1 to ( 2 * y + a[x] ) do begin a[x] := foo( 1, b[x]+b[y], x, b[a[10]] ); if ( (x <= 5) and (x > 0) and (x < y) ) then if ( a[x] < foo( a[1], 3.14, y+x*a[3], 2.13 )) then y := a[x] else y := foo( a[x]+1, b[a[x]], a[a[x+1]], b[13+foo(1,2.3,4,5.6)] ) end end.