%{ #include #include #include #include "node.h" #include "scope.h" #include "tree.h" #include "y.tab.h" #include "pc.h" #include "sem_check.h" extern int yylex(); extern scope *cur_scope; %} %union { int ival; float rval; char *sval; int opval; struct parse_tree *tval; } %token PROG %token VAR %token PROC FUNC %token BEG END %token ID %token ADDOP %token MULOP %token RELOP %token ASSIGNOP %token ADD SUB %token MUL DIV %token NOT %token AND OR %token EQ NE %token LT LE %token GT GE %token INUM %token RNUM %token INT REAL %token BOOL %token ARRAY OF %token DOTS %token IF ELSE THEN %token WHILE DO %token FOR TO DT %token FCALL PCALL %token ARRAY_ACCESS %token LIST %type factor %type term %type expr %type simple_expr %type id_list %type param_list %type arguments %type expr_list %type statement %type statement_list %type compound_statement %type opt_statements %type proc_statement %type var %type type %type standard_type %type TD %% program :PROG ID '(' id_list ')' ';' var_declarations sub_prog_declarations compound_statement '.' { set_ret_type($9); print_tree($9); } ; id_list :ID { /*TODO remove check_ids*/ node *tmp; check_id(cur_scope, $1); tmp = scope_insert(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mkid(tmp); } |id_list ',' ID { node *tmp; check_id(cur_scope, $3); tmp = scope_insert(cur_scope, $3); $$ = mktree(LIST, $1, mkid(tmp)); } ; var_declarations :var_declarations VAR id_list ':' type ';' { update_type_info($3, $5); } |/*empty*/ ; type :standard_type { $$ = $1; } |ARRAY '[' INUM DOTS INUM ']' OF standard_type { $$ = ARRAY - $8; } ; standard_type :INT { $$ = INT; } |REAL { $$ = REAL; } ; sub_prog_declarations :sub_prog_declarations sub_prog_declaration ';' { } |/*empty*/ ; sub_prog_declaration :sub_prog_head var_declarations sub_prog_declarations compound_statement { set_ret_type($4); print_tree($4); pop_scope(&cur_scope); } ; /*push_scope called in pc.l*/ sub_prog_head :FUNC ID arguments ':' standard_type ';' { node *tmp; int i = 0; check_id(cur_scope->prev, $2); tmp = scope_insert(cur_scope->prev, $2); i = count_args($3); tmp->func_info = malloc(sizeof(struct fi)); assert(tmp->func_info); tmp->func_info->argc = i; assert(tmp->func_info->argv = malloc(i * sizeof(int))); assert(!set_func_types($3, tmp->func_info->argv, i)); tmp->var_type = $5; cur_scope->ret_var = scope_insert(cur_scope, $2); cur_scope->ret_var->var_type = $5; } |PROC ID arguments ';' { node *tmp; int i = 0; check_id(cur_scope->prev, $2); tmp = scope_insert(cur_scope->prev, $2); i = count_args($3); tmp->func_info = malloc(sizeof(struct fi)); assert(tmp->func_info); tmp->func_info->argc = i; assert(tmp->func_info->argv = malloc(i * sizeof(int))); assert(!set_func_types($3, tmp->func_info->argv, i)); } ; arguments :'(' param_list ')' { $$ = $2; } |/*empty*/ ; param_list :id_list ':' type { $$ = $1; update_type_info($1, $3); } |param_list ';' id_list ':' type { $$ = mktree(LIST, $1, $3); update_type_info($3, $5); } ; compound_statement :BEG opt_statements END { $$ = $2; } ; opt_statements : statement_list { $$ = $1; } |/*empty*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; statement_list :statement { $$ = $1; } |statement_list ';' statement { $$ = mktree(LIST, $1, $3); } ; statement : var ASSIGNOP expr { $$ = mktree(ASSIGNOP, $1, $3); } |proc_statement { $$ = $1; } |compound_statement { $$ = $1; } |IF expr THEN statement ELSE statement { $$ = mktree(IF, $2, mktree(THEN, $4, $6)); } |WHILE expr DO statement { $$ = mktree(WHILE, $2, $4); } |FOR var ASSIGNOP expr TD expr DO statement { /* FOR / \ TD STATEMENT / \ ASSIGNOP INUM */ ptree *tmp; tmp = mktree(ASSIGNOP, $2, $4); tmp = mktree($5, tmp, $6); //$5 is TD $$ = mktree(FOR, tmp, $8); } | expr { $$ = $1; } ; TD :TO { $$ = TO; } |DT { $$ = DT; } ; var :ID { $$ = mkid(scope_safe_search(cur_scope,$1)); } |ID '[' expr ']' { node* tmp; tmp = scope_safe_search(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mktree(ARRAY_ACCESS, mkid(tmp), $3); $$->attr.nval = $$->l->attr.nval; } ; proc_statement :ID { node *tmp; tmp = check_exists(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mktree(PCALL, mkid(tmp), NULL); } |ID '(' expr_list ')' { node *tmp; tmp = check_exists(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mktree(PCALL, mkid(tmp), $3); } ; expr_list :expr { $$ = $1; } |expr_list ',' expr { $$ = mktree(LIST, $1, $3); } ; expr :simple_expr { $$ = $1; } |simple_expr RELOP simple_expr { $$ = mkop(RELOP, $2, $1, $3); } ; simple_expr :term { $$ = $1; } |simple_expr ADDOP term { $$ = mkop(ADDOP, $2, $1, $3); } ; term :factor { $$ = $1; } |term MULOP factor { $$ = mkop(MULOP, $2, $1, $3); } ; factor :ID { node *tmp; tmp = check_exists(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mkid(tmp); } |ID '[' expr ']' { node *tmp; tmp = check_exists(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mktree(ARRAY_ACCESS, mkid(tmp), $3); } |ID '(' expr_list ')' { node *tmp; tmp = check_exists(cur_scope, $1); $$ = mktree(FCALL, mkid(tmp), $3); } |INUM { $$ = mkinum($1); } |RNUM { $$ = mkrnum($1); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } |NOT factor { $$ = mktree(NOT, $2, NULL); } |ADDOP factor{ if ($1 != SUB) yyerror("SUB NOT CORRECT\n"); else $$ = mktree(SUB, $2, NULL); } ;