Backend API =========== Tucker Evans v1.0, November 22, 2019 This REST API allows you to access recipe information in our database with simple HTTP requests. There is currently no authentication/authorization of clients. It return recipes in JSON format together with some status information about the request. JSON format ----------- The current implementation expects (and returns) recipes in the form: .Recipe JSON [source,json] ---- { "Id": 0, "Title": "Recipe Title", "Desc": "Recipe Description", "Photos": [ "photo_url_1", "photo_url_2" ], "Serving_size": 0, "Cook_time": 0, "Rating": 0, "Num_cooked": 0, "Keywords": [ "keyword 1", "keyword 2", "keyword 3" ], "Ingredients": [ { "Name": "Ingredient 1 Name", "Amount": 1.0, "Unit": "Ingredient Units" }, ], "Steps": [ { "Num": 0, "Desc": "Step Instructions/Description", "Time": 0 } ] } ---- [NOTE] `"Id"` is not required for a POST request, and will be ignored. [IMPORTANT] Keywords and Photo URLs are currently stored as pipe separated values, the parsing of which is not complete and as such there is a extra empty string (`""`) is appended to these lists in the response (it is not required in requests) .Response JSON [source,json] ---- { "Status": { "Code": 200, "Msg": "Successful" }, "Data": "" } ---- [NOTE] Data will either be a Recipe object or a list of recipe ids (null is also a valid value). Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Status codes are based on[HTTP status codes]. .Currently Used - 200 OK - 201 Created - 400 Bad Request - 404 Not Found - 405 Method Not Allowed - 409 Conflict - 422 Unprocessable Entity - _500 Internal Server Error_ (not yet implemented) The messages included in the status section are meant to be human readable descriptions of any error. Usage ----- This api is currently availiable with a base URL of CRUD Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: Examples are run with a database that contains 1 recipe (you can see the initial contents of this recipe in the read example). Create ^^^^^^ Creating a recipe is done by sending a `POST` HTTP request to the location[`/recipes`], with a body containing a recipe object in JSON form: [source,bash] ---- $ curl -X POST -d ' { "Title":"Test Recipe 2", "Desc":"This is a descripiton for the test recipe", "Photos":["photo_url_1","photo_url_2"], "Serving_size":0, "Cook_time":60, "Rating":5, "Keywords":["keyword_1", "keyword_2","keyword_3"], "Ingredients":[ {"Name":"INGR 1","Amount":2.5,"Unit":"cups"}, {"Name":"INGR 2","Amount":1,"Unit":"oz"} ], "Steps":[ {"Num":1,"Desc":"Step 1: Do this first","Time":10} ] }' {"Status":{"Code":201,"Msg":"Recipe added successfully"},"Data":{"Id":2,"Title":"Test Recipe 2","Desc":"This is a descripiton for the test recipe","Photos":["photo_url_1","photo_url_2"],"Serving_size":0,"Cook_time":60,"Rating":5,"Num_cooked":0,"Keywords":["keyword_1","keyword_2","keyword_3"],"Ingredients":[{"Name":"INGR 1","Amount":2.5,"Unit":"cups"},{"Name":"INGR 2","Amount":1,"Unit":"oz"}],"Steps":[{"Num":1,"Desc":"Step 1: Do this first","Time":10}]}} ---- Read ^^^^ Reading a recipe is done by sending a `GET` HTTP request to the location[`/recipes/{id}`], the HTTP body is ignored. [source,bash] ---- $ curl -X GET {"Status":{"Code":200,"Msg":"Successful"},"Data":{"Id":1,"Title":"Test Recipe","Desc":"This is a descripiton for the test recipe","Photos":["photo_url_1","photo_url_2",""],"Serving_size":0,"Cook_time":60,"Rating":5,"Num_cooked":0,"Keywords":["keyword_1","keyword_2","keyword_3",""],"Ingredients":[{"Name":"INGR 1","Amount":2.5,"Unit":"cups"},{"Name":"INGR 2","Amount":1,"Unit":"oz"}],"Steps":[{"Num":1,"Desc":"Step 1: Do this first","Time":10}]}} ---- To access a list of all recipe ids in the database send a `GET` request to[`/recipes`], the HTTP body is ignored. [source,bash] ---- curl -X GET {"Status":{"Code":200,"Msg":"Successful Request"},"Data":[1,2]} ---- Update ^^^^^^ Updating a recipe is done by sending a `PUT` HTTP request to[`recipes/{id}`], the HTTP body should be a complete recipe in JSON form. [source,bash] ---- $ curl -X PUT localhost:8888/recipes/1 -d ' { "Id": 1, "Title":"Test Recipe 1", "Desc":"This is a descripiton for the test recipe", "Photos":[ "photo_url_1", "photo_url_2" ], "Serving_size":0, "Cook_time":60, "Rating":5, "Keywords":[ "keyword_1", "keyword_2", "keyword_3" ], "Ingredients":[ { "Name":"INGR 1", "Amount":2.5, "Unit":"cups" }, { "Name":"INGR 2", "Amount":1, "Unit":"oz" } ], "Steps":[ { "Num":0, "Desc":"Step 1: Do this first", "Time":10 } ] }' {"Status":{"Code":201,"Msg":"Recipe added successfully"},"Data":{"Id":1,"Title":"Test Recipe 1","Desc":"This is a descripiton for the test recipe","Photos":["photo_url_1","photo_url_2"],"Serving_size":0,"Cook_time":60,"Rating":5,"Num_cooked":0,"Keywords":["keyword_1","keyword_2","keyword_3"],"Ingredients":[{"Name":"INGR 1","Amount":2.5,"Unit":"cups"},{"Name":"INGR 2","Amount":1,"Unit":"oz"}],"Steps":[{"Num":0,"Desc":"Step 1: Do this first","Time":10}]}} ---- [WARNING] Any recipe information not included in the request will be removed from the database. Delete ^^^^^^ Deleting a recipe is done by sending a `DELETE` HTTP request to[`recipes/{id}`], the HTTP body is ignored. [source,bash] ---- $ curl -X DELETE {"Status":{"Code":200,"Msg":"Recipe Deleted Successfully"},"Data":null} $ curl -X GET {"Status":{"Code":200,"Msg":"Successful Request"},"Data":[1]} ---- [WARNING] This is currently a *HARD* delete.