From 72dac1e37f005ff41cbf554ab54d428796416045 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tucker Evans Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 16:22:43 -0500 Subject: Update vim colors --- vim/.vim/colors/firewatch.vim | 692 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 692 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vim/.vim/colors/firewatch.vim (limited to 'vim/.vim/colors/firewatch.vim') diff --git a/vim/.vim/colors/firewatch.vim b/vim/.vim/colors/firewatch.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5c61a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/.vim/colors/firewatch.vim @@ -0,0 +1,692 @@ +" Name: Firewatch duotone vim colorscheme +" Author: Ramzi Akremi +" License: MIT +" Version: 1.0.0 + +" Global setup =============================================================={{{ + +hi clear +syntax reset +"if exists('g:colors_name') + "unlet g:colors_name +"endif +let g:colors_name = 'two-firewatch' + +if !exists('g:two_firewatch_italics') + let g:two_firewatch_italics = 0 +endif + +if has('gui_running') || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 + " functions + " returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level + + " Utility functions -------------------------------------------------------{{{ + fun grey_number(x) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:x < 23 + return 0 + elseif a:x < 69 + return 1 + elseif a:x < 103 + return 2 + elseif a:x < 127 + return 3 + elseif a:x < 150 + return 4 + elseif a:x < 173 + return 5 + elseif a:x < 196 + return 6 + elseif a:x < 219 + return 7 + elseif a:x < 243 + return 8 + else + return 9 + endif + else + if a:x < 14 + return 0 + else + let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10 + let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10 + if l:m < 5 + return l:n + else + return l:n + 1 + endif + endif + endif + endfun + + " returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index + fun grey_level(n) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + elseif a:n == 1 + return 46 + elseif a:n == 2 + return 92 + elseif a:n == 3 + return 115 + elseif a:n == 4 + return 139 + elseif a:n == 5 + return 162 + elseif a:n == 6 + return 185 + elseif a:n == 7 + return 208 + elseif a:n == 8 + return 231 + else + return 255 + endif + else + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + else + return 8 + (a:n * 10) + endif + endif + endfun + + " returns the palette index for the given grey index + fun grey_color(n) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:n == 0 + return 16 + elseif a:n == 9 + return 79 + else + return 79 + a:n + endif + else + if a:n == 0 + return 16 + elseif a:n == 25 + return 231 + else + return 231 + a:n + endif + endif + endfun + + " returns an approximate color index for the given color level + fun rgb_number(x) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:x < 69 + return 0 + elseif a:x < 172 + return 1 + elseif a:x < 230 + return 2 + else + return 3 + endif + else + if a:x < 75 + return 0 + else + let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40 + let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40 + if l:m < 20 + return l:n + else + return l:n + 1 + endif + endif + endif + endfun + + " returns the actual color level for the given color index + fun rgb_level(n) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + elseif a:n == 1 + return 139 + elseif a:n == 2 + return 205 + else + return 255 + endif + else + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + else + return 55 + (a:n * 40) + endif + endif + endfun + + " returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices + fun rgb_color(x, y, z) + if &t_Co == 88 + return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z + else + return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z + endif + endfun + + " returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels + fun color(r, g, b) + " get the closest grey + let l:gx = grey_number(a:r) + let l:gy = grey_number(a:g) + let l:gz = grey_number(a:b) + + " get the closest color + let l:x = rgb_number(a:r) + let l:y = rgb_number(a:g) + let l:z = rgb_number(a:b) + + if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz + " there are two possibilities + let l:dgr = grey_level(l:gx) - a:r + let l:dgg = grey_level(l:gy) - a:g + let l:dgb = grey_level(l:gz) - a:b + let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb) + let l:dr = rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r + let l:dg = rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g + let l:db = rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b + let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db) + if l:dgrey < l:drgb + " use the grey + return grey_color(l:gx) + else + " use the color + return rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z) + endif + else + " only one possibility + return rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z) + endif + endfun + + " returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string + fun rgb(rgb) + let l:r = ('0x' . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0 + let l:g = ('0x' . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0 + let l:b = ('0x' . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0 + + return color(l:r, l:g, l:b) + endfun + + " sets the highlighting for the given group + fun X(group, fg, bg, attr) + let l:attr = a:attr + if g:two_firewatch_italics == 0 && l:attr ==? 'italic' + let l:attr = 'none' + endif + + if a:fg !=? '' + exec 'hi ' . a:group . ' guifg=#' . a:fg . ' ctermfg=' . rgb(a:fg) + endif + if a:bg !=? '' + exec 'hi ' . a:group . ' guibg=#' . a:bg . ' ctermbg=' . rgb(a:bg) + endif + if a:attr !=? '' + exec 'hi ' . a:group . ' gui=' . l:attr . ' cterm=' . l:attr + endif + endfun + + "}}} + + " Color definition --------------------------------------------------------{{{ + if &background ==? 'light' + let s:uno_1 = '2d2006' + let s:uno_2 = '896724' + let s:uno_3 = 'B29762' + let s:uno_4 = 'B6ad9a' + + let s:duo_1 = '065289' + let s:duo_2 = '718ecd' + let s:duo_3 = 'aeb3b7' + + let s:syntax_color_renamed = '33a0ff' + let s:syntax_color_added = '43d08a' + let s:syntax_color_modified = 'e0c285' + let s:syntax_color_removed = 'e05252' + + let s:syntax_fg = s:uno_2 + let s:syntax_bg = 'FAF8F5' + let s:syntax_accent = '447EBB' + let s:syntax_gutter = 'EAE1D2' + let s:syntax_selection = 'E5DDCB' + let s:syntax_fold_bg = 'd1cec7' + let s:syntax_cursor_line = 'F3EFE7' + else + let s:uno_1 = 'd6e9ff' + let s:uno_2 = 'abb2bf' + let s:uno_3 = '6e88a6' + let s:uno_4 = '55606d' + + let s:duo_1 = 'c8ae9d' + let s:duo_2 = 'e06c75' + let s:duo_3 = 'dd672c' + + let s:syntax_color_renamed = '33a0ff' + let s:syntax_color_added = '43d08a' + let s:syntax_color_modified = 'e0c285' + let s:syntax_color_removed = 'e05252' + + let s:syntax_fg = s:uno_2 + let s:syntax_bg = '282c34' + let s:syntax_accent = '56b6c2' + let s:syntax_gutter = '636d83' + let s:syntax_selection = '3e4452' + let s:syntax_fold_bg = '5c6370' + let s:syntax_cursor_line = '2c323c' + endif + + " neovim :terminal colors + let g:terminal_color_0 = "#282c34" + let g:terminal_color_8 = "#282c34" + let g:terminal_color_1 = "#e06c75" + let g:terminal_color_9 = "#e06c75" + let g:terminal_color_2 = "#98c379" + let g:terminal_color_10 = "#98c379" + let g:terminal_color_3 = "#e5c07b" + let g:terminal_color_11 = "#e5c07b" + let g:terminal_color_4 = "#61afef" + let g:terminal_color_12 = "#61afef" + let g:terminal_color_5 = "#c678dd" + let g:terminal_color_13 = "#c678dd" + let g:terminal_color_6 = "#56b6c2" + let g:terminal_color_14 = "#56b6c2" + let g:terminal_color_7 = "#dcdfe4" + let g:terminal_color_15 = "#dcdfe4" + + "}}} + + " Vim editor color --------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('bold', '', '', 'bold') + call X('ColorColumn', '', s:syntax_cursor_line, '') + call X('Conceal', '', '', '') + call X('Cursor', s:syntax_bg, s:syntax_accent, '') + call X('CursorIM', '', '', '') + call X('CursorColumn', '', s:syntax_cursor_line, '') + call X('CursorLine', '', s:syntax_cursor_line, '') + call X('Directory', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('ErrorMsg', s:syntax_color_removed, s:syntax_bg, 'none') + call X('VertSplit', s:syntax_fold_bg, '', 'none') + call X('Folded', s:syntax_bg, s:syntax_fold_bg, '') + call X('FoldColumn', s:uno_3, s:syntax_cursor_line, '') + call X('IncSearch', s:syntax_bg, s:uno_4, '') + call X('LineNr', s:syntax_fold_bg, '', '') + call X('CursorLineNr', s:uno_2, '', 'none') + call X('MatchParen', s:syntax_bg, s:syntax_accent, '') + call X('Italic', '', '', 'italic') + call X('ModeMsg', s:syntax_color_added, '', '') + call X('MoreMsg', s:syntax_fg, '', '') + call X('NonText', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('PMenu', '', s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('PMenuSel', '', s:syntax_bg, '') + call X('PMenuSbar', '', s:syntax_bg, '') + call X('PMenuThumb', '', s:uno_1, '') + call X('Question', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('Search', s:syntax_bg, s:uno_4, '') + call X('SpecialKey', s:syntax_fold_bg, '', '') + call X('StatusLine', s:syntax_fg, s:syntax_cursor_line, 'none') + call X('StatusLineNC', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('TabLine', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('TabLineFill', '', '', 'none') + call X('TabLineSel', s:syntax_fg, '', '') + call X('Title', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') + call X('Visual', '', s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('VisualNOS', '', s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('WarningMsg', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('TooLong', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('WildMenu', s:syntax_fg, s:uno_4, '') + call X('Normal', s:syntax_fg, s:syntax_bg, '') + call X('SignColumn', '', s:uno_4, '') + call X('Special', s:duo_2, '', '') + " }}} + + " Standard syntax highlighting --------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('Comment', s:uno_4, '', 'italic') + call X('Constant', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('String', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('Character', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('Number', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('Boolean', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('Float', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('Identifier', s:uno_3, '', 'none') + call X('Function', s:uno_2, '', '') + call X('Statement', s:duo_1, '', 'none') + call X('Conditional', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('Repeat', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('Label', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('Operator', s:syntax_accent, '', 'none') + call X('Keyword', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('Exception', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('PreProc', s:uno_1, '', '') + "call X('Include', s:duo_2, '', '') + "call X('Define', s:duo_2, '', 'none') + "call X('Macro', s:uno_3, '', '') + "call X('PreCondit', 'ff0000', '', '') + call X('Type', s:duo_1, '', 'none') + call X('StorageClass', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('Structure', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('Typedef', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('Special', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('SpecialChar', '', '', '') + call X('Tag', '', '', '') + call X('Delimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('SpecialComment', '', '', '') + call X('Debug', '', '', '') + call X('Underlined', s:duo_1, '', 'underline') + call X('Ignore', '', '', '') + call X('Error', s:syntax_color_removed, s:syntax_bg, 'bold') + call X('Todo', s:syntax_color_added, s:syntax_bg, '') + " }}} + + " Asciidoc highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('asciidocListingBlock', s:uno_2, '', '') + " }}} + + " Cucumber highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('cucumberGiven', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cucumberWhen', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cucumberWhenAnd', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cucumberThen', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cucumberThenAnd', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cucumberUnparsed', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cucumberFeature', s:syntax_accent, '', 'bold') + call X('cucumberBackground', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') + call X('cucumberScenario', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') + call X('cucumberScenarioOutline', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') + call X('cucumberTags', s:uno_4, '', 'bold') + call X('cucumberDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', 'bold') + " }}} + + " Diff highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('DiffAdd', s:syntax_color_added, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffChange', s:syntax_color_modified, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffDelete', s:syntax_color_removed, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffText', s:uno_2, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffAdded', s:duo_2, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffFile', s:syntax_accent, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffNewFile', s:duo_2, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffLine', s:uno_2, s:syntax_selection, '') + call X('DiffRemoved', s:syntax_accent, s:syntax_selection, '') + " }}} + + " C/C++ and other languages like that -------------------------------------{{{ + "call X('cCustomParen', s:uno_4, '', '') + " }}} + + " CSS/Sass highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('cssAttrComma', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('cssAttributeSelector', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cssBraces', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('cssClassName', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssClassNameDot', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssDefinition', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('cssFlexibleBoxAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssBorderAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssPositioningAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssTransitionAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssCommonAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssBoxAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssFontAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssTextAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssFontDescriptor', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssFunctionName', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('cssIdentifier', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssImportant', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssUnitDecorators', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('cssInclude', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssIncludeKeyword', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('cssMediaType', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssProp', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('cssPseudoClassId', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssSelectorOp', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('cssSelectorOp2', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('cssStringQ', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssStringQQ', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('cssTagName', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('cssClassNameDot', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('cssValueNumber', s:duo_1, '', '') + + call X('sassAmpersand', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('sassClass', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('sassControl', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('sassExtend', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('sassFor', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('sassProperty', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('sassFunction', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('sassId', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('sassInclude', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('sassMedia', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('sassMediaOperators', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('sassMixin', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('sassMixinName', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('sassMixing', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('sassVariable', s:uno_2, '', '') + call X('sassVariableAssignment', s:uno_4, '', '') + " }}} + + " Elixir highlighting------------------------------------------------------{{{ + "call X('elixirAtom', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + "call X('elixirAlias', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('elixirBlock', s:uno_3, '', '') + "call X('elixirBlockDefinition', s:duo_2, '', '') + "call X('elixirInclude', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('elixirId', s:uno_2, '', '') + call X('elixirModuleDeclaration', s:uno_1, '', '') + "call X('elixirModuleDefine', s:duo_2, '', '') + "call X('elixirOperator', s:uno_3, '', '') + "call X('elixirSigil', s:uno_4, '', '') + "call X('elixirVariable', s:duo_2, '', '') + " }}} + + " Go highlighting ---------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('goDeclaration', s:duo_3, '', '') + " }}} + + " Git and git related plugins highlighting --------------------------------{{{ + call X('gitcommitComment', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('gitcommitUnmerged', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('gitcommitOnBranch', '', '', '') + call X('gitcommitBranch', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('gitcommitDiscardedType', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('gitcommitSelectedType', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('gitcommitHeader', '', '', '') + call X('gitcommitUntrackedFile', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('gitcommitDiscardedFile', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('gitcommitSelectedFile', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('gitcommitUnmergedFile', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('gitcommitFile', '', '', '') + hi link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch + hi link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment + hi link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment + hi link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment + hi link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile + hi link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile + hi link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile + + call X('SignifySignAdd', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('SignifySignChange', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('SignifySignDelete', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + hi link GitGutterAdd SignifySignAdd + hi link GitGutterChange SignifySignChange + hi link GitGutterDelete SignifySignDelete + call X('diffAdded', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('diffRemoved', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + " }}} + + " HTML highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('htmlArg', s:uno_2, '', '') + call X('htmlTagName', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('htmlSpecialTagName', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('htmlTag', s:uno_3, '', '') + + call X('liquidDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('liquidKeyword', s:uno_3, '', '') + " }}} + + " JavaScript highlighting -------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('coffeeString', s:duo_2, '', '') + + call X('javaScriptBraces', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('javaScriptFunction', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javaScriptIdentifier', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javaScriptNull', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('javaScriptNumber', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('javaScriptRequire', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('javaScriptReserved', s:duo_3, '', '') + " + call X('jsArrowFunction', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('jsClassKeywords', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('jsDocParam', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('jsDocTags', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('jsFuncCall', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('jsFunction', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('jsGlobalObjects', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('jsModuleWords', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('jsModules', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('jsNoise', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('jsNull', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('jsOperator', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('jsObjectBraces', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('jsBrackets', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('jsParens', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('jsStorageClass', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('jsTemplateBraces', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('jsTemplateVar', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('jsThis', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('jsUndefined', s:uno_1, '', '') + " + call X('javascriptArrowFunc', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptClassExtends', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptClassKeyword', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptDocNotation', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptDocParamName', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('javascriptDocTags', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptEndColons', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptExport', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptFuncArg', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('javascriptFuncKeyword', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptIdentifier', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('javascriptImport', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('javascriptObjectLabel', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('javascriptOpSymbol', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('javascriptOpSymbols', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('javascriptPropertyName', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('javascriptTemplateSB', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('javascriptVariable', s:duo_3, '', '') + " }}} + + " JSON highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('jsonCommentError', s:uno_1, '', '' ) + call X('jsonKeyword', s:duo_2, '', '' ) + call X('jsonQuote', s:uno_3, '', '' ) + call X('jsonMissingCommaError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) + call X('jsonNoQuotesError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) + call X('jsonNumError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) + call X('jsonString', s:duo_1, '', '' ) + call X('jsonStringSQError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) + call X('jsonSemicolonError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) + " }}} + + " Markdown highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('markdownUrl', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('markdownCode', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('markdownHeadingDelimiter', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('markdownListMarker', s:duo_3, '', '') + + call X('mkdCode', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('mkdDelimiter', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('mkdLink', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('mkdLinkDef', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('mkdLinkDefTarget', s:duo_1, '', 'underline') + call X('mkdURL', s:duo_1, '', 'underline') + + call X('htmlBold', s:uno_2, '', 'bold') + call X('htmlItalic', s:uno_2, '', 'italic') + " }}} + + " NERDTree highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('NERDTreeExecFile', s:duo_1, '', '') + " }}} + + " Ruby highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('rubyBlock', s:uno_2, '', '') + call X('rubyBlockParameter', s:uno_2, '', '') + call X('rubyBlockParameterList', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('rubyCapitalizedMethod', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyClass', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyConstant', s:uno_3, '', '') + call X('rubyControl', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyConditionalModifier', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('rubyCurlyBlockDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('rubyDefine', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyEscape', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('rubyFunction', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('rubyGlobalVariable', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('rubyInclude', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyIncluderubyGlobalVariable', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('rubyInstanceVariable', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('rubyInterpolation', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyInterpolationDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('rubyModule', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('rubyRegexp', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('rubyRegexpDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('rubyStringDelimiter', s:duo_3, '', '') + call X('rubySymbol', s:duo_1, '', '') + " }}} + + " Spelling highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('SpellBad', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') + call X('SpellLocal', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') + call X('SpellCap', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') + call X('SpellRare', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') + " }}} + + " Vim highlighting --------------------------------------------------------{{{ + "call X('vimCommentTitle', s:uno_4, '', 'bold') + call X('vimCommand', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('vimVar', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('vimEnvVar', s:duo_3, '', '') + + " Vim Help highlights + call X('helpHyperTextJump', s:duo_1, '', '') + call X('helpSpecial', s:duo_2, '', '') + + " }}} + + " XML highlighting --------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('xmlAttrib', s:uno_1, '', '') + call X('xmlEndTag', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('xmlTag', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + call X('xmlTagName', s:syntax_accent, '', '') + " }}} + + " YAML highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ + call X('yamlKey', s:duo_2, '', '') + call X('yamlOperator', s:uno_4, '', '') + + call X('liquidDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') + call X('liquidKeyword', s:uno_3, '', '') + " }}} + +" Delete functions =========================================================={{{ + delf X + delf rgb + delf color + delf rgb_color + delf rgb_level + delf rgb_number + delf grey_color + delf grey_level + delf grey_number +"}}} + +endif +"}}} + + +" vim: set fdl=0 fdm=marker: -- cgit v1.1