Tucker's Dotfiles ================= These dotfiles are here mostly to move them between my computers and as a backup, but feel free to use them yourself. vimPlugins ---------- These shell scrips are my solution to vim plugins, they use git-submodules and vim 8's third party package loading. I recomend reading `Vim: So long Pathogen, hello native package loading `_, as it was my reference when creating the scripts. These will probably be move to their own repo someday, but I'm too tired to do that now. .. warning :: I just threw these scripts together one night, I do not trust them to be completely stable, you should read through them and make sure you understand what they are doing. Installation ------------ dotfiles ******** .. note :: I recommend backing up any existing dotfiles you have before installing these, you can do this with the following command :code:`cp .dotfile_to_backup .dotfile_to_backup.bak` I recomend using `stow `_ to manage these files. This can be done with the following commands. 1. :code:`cd ~` 2. :code:`git clone https://github/tuckerevans/dotfiles` 3. :code:`cd dotfiles` 4. Run :code:`stow [program]` for each program's dotfiles you want to use *Example:* :code:`stow vim` or :code:`stow mutt` vimPlugins ********** I just run the vimPlugins scripts from my `dotfiles/vimPlugins` directory with :code:`./PlugInstall`, you could link to them in `/usr/local/bin` by running the following command as root (or with sudo). - :code:`stow -t /usr/local/bin vimPlugins` Usage (vimPlugins) ------------------ .. note :: These scripts must be run in `/home/$user/dotfiles`. You can change this by editing the first few lines of the scripts. PlugInstall *********** PlugInstall.sh takes in the link to a git repository the same as git clone, the optional flag `-o` with place the plugin in the opt folder (this means you will have to tell vim to start this plugin) *Example:* :code:`./PlugInstall.sh [-o] git@github.com/exampleAccount/exampl_repository` PlugUpdate *********** PlugUpdate.sh takes in no arguments and will update the submodules. *Example:* :code:`./PlugUpdate.sh` PlugRemove *********** PlugUpdate.sh takes in the name of the submodule (plugin) that you would like to remove, the optional flag `-o` should be used if used in the install. *Example:* :code:`./PlugRemove.sh [-o] example_repository`