" Name: Firewatch duotone vim colorscheme " Author: Ramzi Akremi " License: MIT " Version: 1.0.0 " Global setup =============================================================={{{ hi clear syntax reset "if exists('g:colors_name') "unlet g:colors_name "endif let g:colors_name = 'two-firewatch' if !exists('g:two_firewatch_italics') let g:two_firewatch_italics = 0 endif if has('gui_running') || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 " functions " returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level " Utility functions -------------------------------------------------------{{{ fun grey_number(x) if &t_Co == 88 if a:x < 23 return 0 elseif a:x < 69 return 1 elseif a:x < 103 return 2 elseif a:x < 127 return 3 elseif a:x < 150 return 4 elseif a:x < 173 return 5 elseif a:x < 196 return 6 elseif a:x < 219 return 7 elseif a:x < 243 return 8 else return 9 endif else if a:x < 14 return 0 else let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10 let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10 if l:m < 5 return l:n else return l:n + 1 endif endif endif endfun " returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index fun grey_level(n) if &t_Co == 88 if a:n == 0 return 0 elseif a:n == 1 return 46 elseif a:n == 2 return 92 elseif a:n == 3 return 115 elseif a:n == 4 return 139 elseif a:n == 5 return 162 elseif a:n == 6 return 185 elseif a:n == 7 return 208 elseif a:n == 8 return 231 else return 255 endif else if a:n == 0 return 0 else return 8 + (a:n * 10) endif endif endfun " returns the palette index for the given grey index fun grey_color(n) if &t_Co == 88 if a:n == 0 return 16 elseif a:n == 9 return 79 else return 79 + a:n endif else if a:n == 0 return 16 elseif a:n == 25 return 231 else return 231 + a:n endif endif endfun " returns an approximate color index for the given color level fun rgb_number(x) if &t_Co == 88 if a:x < 69 return 0 elseif a:x < 172 return 1 elseif a:x < 230 return 2 else return 3 endif else if a:x < 75 return 0 else let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40 let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40 if l:m < 20 return l:n else return l:n + 1 endif endif endif endfun " returns the actual color level for the given color index fun rgb_level(n) if &t_Co == 88 if a:n == 0 return 0 elseif a:n == 1 return 139 elseif a:n == 2 return 205 else return 255 endif else if a:n == 0 return 0 else return 55 + (a:n * 40) endif endif endfun " returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices fun rgb_color(x, y, z) if &t_Co == 88 return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z else return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z endif endfun " returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels fun color(r, g, b) " get the closest grey let l:gx = grey_number(a:r) let l:gy = grey_number(a:g) let l:gz = grey_number(a:b) " get the closest color let l:x = rgb_number(a:r) let l:y = rgb_number(a:g) let l:z = rgb_number(a:b) if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz " there are two possibilities let l:dgr = grey_level(l:gx) - a:r let l:dgg = grey_level(l:gy) - a:g let l:dgb = grey_level(l:gz) - a:b let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb) let l:dr = rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r let l:dg = rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g let l:db = rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db) if l:dgrey < l:drgb " use the grey return grey_color(l:gx) else " use the color return rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z) endif else " only one possibility return rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z) endif endfun " returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string fun rgb(rgb) let l:r = ('0x' . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0 let l:g = ('0x' . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0 let l:b = ('0x' . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0 return color(l:r, l:g, l:b) endfun " sets the highlighting for the given group fun X(group, fg, bg, attr) let l:attr = a:attr if g:two_firewatch_italics == 0 && l:attr ==? 'italic' let l:attr = 'none' endif if a:fg !=? '' exec 'hi ' . a:group . ' guifg=#' . a:fg . ' ctermfg=' . rgb(a:fg) endif if a:bg !=? '' exec 'hi ' . a:group . ' guibg=#' . a:bg . ' ctermbg=' . rgb(a:bg) endif if a:attr !=? '' exec 'hi ' . a:group . ' gui=' . l:attr . ' cterm=' . l:attr endif endfun "}}} " Color definition --------------------------------------------------------{{{ if &background ==? 'light' let s:uno_1 = '2d2006' let s:uno_2 = '896724' let s:uno_3 = 'B29762' let s:uno_4 = 'B6ad9a' let s:duo_1 = '065289' let s:duo_2 = '718ecd' let s:duo_3 = 'aeb3b7' let s:syntax_color_renamed = '33a0ff' let s:syntax_color_added = '43d08a' let s:syntax_color_modified = 'e0c285' let s:syntax_color_removed = 'e05252' let s:syntax_fg = s:uno_2 let s:syntax_bg = 'FAF8F5' let s:syntax_accent = '447EBB' let s:syntax_gutter = 'EAE1D2' let s:syntax_selection = 'E5DDCB' let s:syntax_fold_bg = 'd1cec7' let s:syntax_cursor_line = 'F3EFE7' else let s:uno_1 = 'd6e9ff' let s:uno_2 = 'abb2bf' let s:uno_3 = '6e88a6' let s:uno_4 = '55606d' let s:duo_1 = 'c8ae9d' let s:duo_2 = 'e06c75' let s:duo_3 = 'dd672c' let s:syntax_color_renamed = '33a0ff' let s:syntax_color_added = '43d08a' let s:syntax_color_modified = 'e0c285' let s:syntax_color_removed = 'e05252' let s:syntax_fg = s:uno_2 let s:syntax_bg = '282c34' let s:syntax_accent = '56b6c2' let s:syntax_gutter = '636d83' let s:syntax_selection = '3e4452' let s:syntax_fold_bg = '5c6370' let s:syntax_cursor_line = '2c323c' endif " neovim :terminal colors let g:terminal_color_0 = "#282c34" let g:terminal_color_8 = "#282c34" let g:terminal_color_1 = "#e06c75" let g:terminal_color_9 = "#e06c75" let g:terminal_color_2 = "#98c379" let g:terminal_color_10 = "#98c379" let g:terminal_color_3 = "#e5c07b" let g:terminal_color_11 = "#e5c07b" let g:terminal_color_4 = "#61afef" let g:terminal_color_12 = "#61afef" let g:terminal_color_5 = "#c678dd" let g:terminal_color_13 = "#c678dd" let g:terminal_color_6 = "#56b6c2" let g:terminal_color_14 = "#56b6c2" let g:terminal_color_7 = "#dcdfe4" let g:terminal_color_15 = "#dcdfe4" "}}} " Vim editor color --------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('bold', '', '', 'bold') call X('ColorColumn', '', s:syntax_cursor_line, '') call X('Conceal', '', '', '') call X('Cursor', s:syntax_bg, s:syntax_accent, '') call X('CursorIM', '', '', '') call X('CursorColumn', '', s:syntax_cursor_line, '') call X('CursorLine', '', s:syntax_cursor_line, '') call X('Directory', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('ErrorMsg', s:syntax_color_removed, s:syntax_bg, 'none') call X('VertSplit', s:syntax_fold_bg, '', 'none') call X('Folded', s:syntax_bg, s:syntax_fold_bg, '') call X('FoldColumn', s:uno_3, s:syntax_cursor_line, '') call X('IncSearch', s:syntax_bg, s:uno_4, '') call X('LineNr', s:syntax_fold_bg, '', '') call X('CursorLineNr', s:uno_2, '', 'none') call X('MatchParen', s:syntax_bg, s:syntax_accent, '') call X('Italic', '', '', 'italic') call X('ModeMsg', s:syntax_color_added, '', '') call X('MoreMsg', s:syntax_fg, '', '') call X('NonText', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('PMenu', '', s:syntax_selection, '') call X('PMenuSel', '', s:syntax_bg, '') call X('PMenuSbar', '', s:syntax_bg, '') call X('PMenuThumb', '', s:uno_1, '') call X('Question', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('Search', s:syntax_bg, s:uno_4, '') call X('SpecialKey', s:syntax_fold_bg, '', '') call X('StatusLine', s:syntax_fg, s:syntax_cursor_line, 'none') call X('StatusLineNC', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('TabLine', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('TabLineFill', '', '', 'none') call X('TabLineSel', s:syntax_fg, '', '') call X('Title', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') call X('Visual', '', s:syntax_selection, '') call X('VisualNOS', '', s:syntax_selection, '') call X('WarningMsg', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('TooLong', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('WildMenu', s:syntax_fg, s:uno_4, '') call X('Normal', s:syntax_fg, s:syntax_bg, '') call X('SignColumn', '', s:uno_4, '') call X('Special', s:duo_2, '', '') " }}} " Standard syntax highlighting --------------------------------------------{{{ call X('Comment', s:uno_4, '', 'italic') call X('Constant', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('String', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('Character', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('Number', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('Boolean', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('Float', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('Identifier', s:uno_3, '', 'none') call X('Function', s:uno_2, '', '') call X('Statement', s:duo_1, '', 'none') call X('Conditional', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('Repeat', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('Label', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('Operator', s:syntax_accent, '', 'none') call X('Keyword', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('Exception', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('PreProc', s:uno_1, '', '') "call X('Include', s:duo_2, '', '') "call X('Define', s:duo_2, '', 'none') "call X('Macro', s:uno_3, '', '') "call X('PreCondit', 'ff0000', '', '') call X('Type', s:duo_1, '', 'none') call X('StorageClass', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('Structure', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('Typedef', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('Special', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('SpecialChar', '', '', '') call X('Tag', '', '', '') call X('Delimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('SpecialComment', '', '', '') call X('Debug', '', '', '') call X('Underlined', s:duo_1, '', 'underline') call X('Ignore', '', '', '') call X('Error', s:syntax_color_removed, s:syntax_bg, 'bold') call X('Todo', s:syntax_color_added, s:syntax_bg, '') " }}} " Asciidoc highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('asciidocListingBlock', s:uno_2, '', '') " }}} " Cucumber highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('cucumberGiven', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cucumberWhen', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cucumberWhenAnd', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cucumberThen', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cucumberThenAnd', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cucumberUnparsed', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cucumberFeature', s:syntax_accent, '', 'bold') call X('cucumberBackground', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') call X('cucumberScenario', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') call X('cucumberScenarioOutline', s:duo_2, '', 'bold') call X('cucumberTags', s:uno_4, '', 'bold') call X('cucumberDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', 'bold') " }}} " Diff highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('DiffAdd', s:syntax_color_added, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffChange', s:syntax_color_modified, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffDelete', s:syntax_color_removed, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffText', s:uno_2, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffAdded', s:duo_2, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffFile', s:syntax_accent, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffNewFile', s:duo_2, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffLine', s:uno_2, s:syntax_selection, '') call X('DiffRemoved', s:syntax_accent, s:syntax_selection, '') " }}} " C/C++ and other languages like that -------------------------------------{{{ "call X('cCustomParen', s:uno_4, '', '') " }}} " CSS/Sass highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('cssAttrComma', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('cssAttributeSelector', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cssBraces', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('cssClassName', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssClassNameDot', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssDefinition', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('cssFlexibleBoxAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssBorderAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssPositioningAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssTransitionAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssCommonAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssBoxAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssFontAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssTextAttr', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssFontDescriptor', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssFunctionName', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('cssIdentifier', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssImportant', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssUnitDecorators', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('cssInclude', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssIncludeKeyword', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('cssMediaType', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssProp', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('cssPseudoClassId', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssSelectorOp', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('cssSelectorOp2', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('cssStringQ', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssStringQQ', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('cssTagName', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('cssClassNameDot', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('cssValueNumber', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('sassAmpersand', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('sassClass', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('sassControl', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('sassExtend', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('sassFor', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('sassProperty', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('sassFunction', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('sassId', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('sassInclude', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('sassMedia', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('sassMediaOperators', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('sassMixin', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('sassMixinName', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('sassMixing', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('sassVariable', s:uno_2, '', '') call X('sassVariableAssignment', s:uno_4, '', '') " }}} " Elixir highlighting------------------------------------------------------{{{ "call X('elixirAtom', s:syntax_accent, '', '') "call X('elixirAlias', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('elixirBlock', s:uno_3, '', '') "call X('elixirBlockDefinition', s:duo_2, '', '') "call X('elixirInclude', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('elixirId', s:uno_2, '', '') call X('elixirModuleDeclaration', s:uno_1, '', '') "call X('elixirModuleDefine', s:duo_2, '', '') "call X('elixirOperator', s:uno_3, '', '') "call X('elixirSigil', s:uno_4, '', '') "call X('elixirVariable', s:duo_2, '', '') " }}} " Go highlighting ---------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('goDeclaration', s:duo_3, '', '') " }}} " Git and git related plugins highlighting --------------------------------{{{ call X('gitcommitComment', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('gitcommitUnmerged', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('gitcommitOnBranch', '', '', '') call X('gitcommitBranch', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('gitcommitDiscardedType', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('gitcommitSelectedType', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('gitcommitHeader', '', '', '') call X('gitcommitUntrackedFile', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('gitcommitDiscardedFile', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('gitcommitSelectedFile', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('gitcommitUnmergedFile', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('gitcommitFile', '', '', '') hi link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch hi link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment hi link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment hi link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment hi link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile hi link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile hi link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile call X('SignifySignAdd', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('SignifySignChange', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('SignifySignDelete', s:syntax_accent, '', '') hi link GitGutterAdd SignifySignAdd hi link GitGutterChange SignifySignChange hi link GitGutterDelete SignifySignDelete call X('diffAdded', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('diffRemoved', s:syntax_accent, '', '') " }}} " HTML highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('htmlArg', s:uno_2, '', '') call X('htmlTagName', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('htmlSpecialTagName', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('htmlTag', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('liquidDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('liquidKeyword', s:uno_3, '', '') " }}} " JavaScript highlighting -------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('coffeeString', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('javaScriptBraces', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('javaScriptFunction', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javaScriptIdentifier', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javaScriptNull', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('javaScriptNumber', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('javaScriptRequire', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('javaScriptReserved', s:duo_3, '', '') " https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript call X('jsArrowFunction', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('jsClassKeywords', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('jsDocParam', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('jsDocTags', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('jsFuncCall', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('jsFunction', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('jsGlobalObjects', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('jsModuleWords', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('jsModules', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('jsNoise', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('jsNull', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('jsOperator', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('jsObjectBraces', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('jsBrackets', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('jsParens', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('jsStorageClass', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('jsTemplateBraces', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('jsTemplateVar', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('jsThis', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('jsUndefined', s:uno_1, '', '') " https://github.com/othree/yajs.vim call X('javascriptArrowFunc', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptClassExtends', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptClassKeyword', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptDocNotation', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptDocParamName', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('javascriptDocTags', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptEndColons', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('javascriptExport', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptFuncArg', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('javascriptFuncKeyword', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptIdentifier', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('javascriptImport', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('javascriptObjectLabel', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('javascriptOpSymbol', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('javascriptOpSymbols', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('javascriptPropertyName', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('javascriptTemplateSB', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('javascriptVariable', s:duo_3, '', '') " }}} " JSON highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('jsonCommentError', s:uno_1, '', '' ) call X('jsonKeyword', s:duo_2, '', '' ) call X('jsonQuote', s:uno_3, '', '' ) call X('jsonMissingCommaError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) call X('jsonNoQuotesError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) call X('jsonNumError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) call X('jsonString', s:duo_1, '', '' ) call X('jsonStringSQError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) call X('jsonSemicolonError', s:syntax_accent, '', 'reverse' ) " }}} " Markdown highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('markdownUrl', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('markdownCode', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('markdownHeadingDelimiter', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('markdownListMarker', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('mkdCode', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('mkdDelimiter', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('mkdLink', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('mkdLinkDef', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('mkdLinkDefTarget', s:duo_1, '', 'underline') call X('mkdURL', s:duo_1, '', 'underline') call X('htmlBold', s:uno_2, '', 'bold') call X('htmlItalic', s:uno_2, '', 'italic') " }}} " NERDTree highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('NERDTreeExecFile', s:duo_1, '', '') " }}} " Ruby highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('rubyBlock', s:uno_2, '', '') call X('rubyBlockParameter', s:uno_2, '', '') call X('rubyBlockParameterList', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('rubyCapitalizedMethod', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyClass', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyConstant', s:uno_3, '', '') call X('rubyControl', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyConditionalModifier', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('rubyCurlyBlockDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('rubyDefine', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyEscape', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('rubyFunction', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('rubyGlobalVariable', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('rubyInclude', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyIncluderubyGlobalVariable', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('rubyInstanceVariable', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('rubyInterpolation', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyInterpolationDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('rubyModule', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('rubyRegexp', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('rubyRegexpDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('rubyStringDelimiter', s:duo_3, '', '') call X('rubySymbol', s:duo_1, '', '') " }}} " Spelling highlighting ---------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('SpellBad', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') call X('SpellLocal', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') call X('SpellCap', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') call X('SpellRare', '', s:syntax_bg, 'undercurl') " }}} " Vim highlighting --------------------------------------------------------{{{ "call X('vimCommentTitle', s:uno_4, '', 'bold') call X('vimCommand', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('vimVar', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('vimEnvVar', s:duo_3, '', '') " Vim Help highlights call X('helpHyperTextJump', s:duo_1, '', '') call X('helpSpecial', s:duo_2, '', '') " }}} " XML highlighting --------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('xmlAttrib', s:uno_1, '', '') call X('xmlEndTag', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('xmlTag', s:syntax_accent, '', '') call X('xmlTagName', s:syntax_accent, '', '') " }}} " YAML highlighting -------------------------------------------------------{{{ call X('yamlKey', s:duo_2, '', '') call X('yamlOperator', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('liquidDelimiter', s:uno_4, '', '') call X('liquidKeyword', s:uno_3, '', '') " }}} " Delete functions =========================================================={{{ delf X delf rgb delf color delf rgb_color delf rgb_level delf rgb_number delf grey_color delf grey_level delf grey_number "}}} endif "}}} " vim: set fdl=0 fdm=marker: