#This file contains macros to draw circuits with pic #it should be included at the start of a file with: # .PS # copy "circuit.pic" # .PE # # Copyright (c) 2019 Tucker Evans text_up = 0.175 text_down = 0.2 wire_wid = .25 define wire {line $1 wire_wid} define current { arrowht = arrowht/2 #LEFT arrow wire_wid/2 + arrowwid/2 #TEXT move -arrowwid/2 "$1" at Here + (0, text_up); move to Here - (0,text_up) " $2" ljust "$3" at Here- (0, text_down); move to Here + (0,text_down) "$4 " rjust move arrowwid/2 #RIGHT line wire_wid/2 - arrowwid/2 reset arrowht } define point { circle radius .0175 fill 1 at last line .end "$1" above at last circle .n " $2" ljust at last circle .w "$3" below at last circle .s "$4 " rjust at last circle .e move to last circle }