Tucker’s Dotfiles

These dotfiles are here mostly to move them between my computers and as a backup, but feel free to use them yourself.

Vim Plugins

I keep my vim plugins as submodules in this repo, I use `github.com/tuckerevans/plugVim https://www.github.com/tuckerevans/plugvim`_ to manage them.



I recommend backing up any existing dotfiles you have before installing these, you can do this with the following command cp .dotfile_to_backup .dotfile_to_backup.bak

Running make process should run the necessary files through m4 and compile my input program for lemonbar.

I recomend using stow to manage these files. make stow should stow all of these dotfiles. This can be also be done with the following command.

stow [program] for each program’s dotfiles you want to use

Example: stow vim or stow mutt