BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
developFix printf formatters for debug printTucker Evans4 years
mapsAdd first/last getters for maps.Tucker Evans4 years
masterMerge branch 'develop'Tucker Evans4 years
ropeFix rope_relen to free unneeded nodesTucker Evans4 years
v0.2.1commit 392b0b46e1...Tucker Evans5 years
v0.2commit 8f17093d39...Tucker Evans5 years
v0.1.1commit 0fb0ae6136...Tucker Evans5 years
v0.1commit b0080d5005...Tucker Evans5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2021-01-03Fix rope_relen to free unneeded nodesropeTucker Evans
2021-01-03Add free function for ropesTucker Evans
2021-01-03Add split function for ropesTucker Evans
2021-01-03Add function to recalculate length (weights) of rope nodesTucker Evans
2021-01-03Add debug/print functions for ropeTucker Evans
2020-12-31Add concat function for ropesTucker Evans
2020-12-31Add function to get full length of ropeTucker Evans
2020-12-31Add func to embed a char* (str) into a ropeTucker Evans
2020-12-31Add base for rope structureTucker Evans
2020-09-09Fix printf formatters for debug printdevelopTucker Evans